Friday, September 2, 2016

Mathieu's Tips and Tricks

Mathieu's Tips and Tricks:

1. If you really like a restaurant leave a tip and get the server's name. Come back again and you may get money off your meal.

2. Meeting Italian friends is hard but once you make one they introduce you to more. It's like a chain reaction.

3. You should always attempt Italian. It's really appreciated.

4. Good gelato is not piled high nor is it oddly colored. Pistacchio should NOT be neon green! Good gelato is naturally colored and kept in deep tubs.

5. A lot of the Italian quintessential ways of life only really apply to the countryside nowadays.

6. Water is not free. Sometimes you can ask for tap which is cheaper.

7. Catholic churches have dress codes. Rule of thumb: closed toed shoes, cover the shoulders, and no hats. Most places will just ask you to remove your hat but the Vatican literally has people that check if you are following the rules. If you aren't, you are asked to leave.

8. Northern and Southern Italy are completely different places with different ways of life.

9. Unlike our own currency, Euros have 1 and 5 dollar coins so don't toss coins because they are useful here.

10. If you want to blend in dress for the season not the weather. Italians still wear pants and jackets even if it's warmer than 60 degrees.

11. When ordering coffee it's normal to order things like a cappuccino or a cafe latte but in the afternoon it's unusual to order anything but an espresso.

12. Italians believe in a relaxed dining experience so you need to ask for the check or get the server's attention because they won't come to you.

13. You must either call a taxi beforehand or go to a taxi stand because it is illegal to hail a taxi off the street in Italy.

14. There is no salad dressing other than oil or vinegar and even those are seen as odd by some Italians.

15. Pizza comes only in thin crust with very limited toppings. There is no pepperoni only prosciutto.

16. Tipping is not necessary in Italy. I would only do it if you plan on coming back often to your favorite restaurant or cafe.

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